Billionaire’s Secrets: Your Ticket To Financial Freedom by Marvellous Imhangui

Billionaire’s Secrets: Your Ticket To Financial Freedom by Marvellous Imhangui

Billionaire’s Secrets: Your Ticket To Financial Freedom by Marvellous Imhangui

About the Book

Creating wealth or earning money in great proportion is not meant for a selected few or a function of location or race. Billionaire’s Secret shows the reader through stories of some billionaires across almost all the continents of the world, that anywhere you are in the world, you can be a billionaire.

simplicity and skill employed by the writer in explaining secrets and principles of billionaires in this book is not only remarkable and eye-opening but also commendable.

Behind every successful man lies a proportion of daily habits and high level of focus required for success. Hence this book has been able to reveal in clearer terms that ANYONE can be a billionaire if he so desire to be wealthy.

About the Author

Imhangui Marvellous Abraham is a motivational speaker and an inspirational author.

Having evolved from an unstable financial state to a debt-free life by applying the secrets of billionaires simplified in this book, Marvellous has tutored many in the same field to the point of achieving success.

He has earned some awards to his name both local and international.
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