Three Rooms Press is an independent press that is inspired by “Dada, Punk, and Passion”. They were founded in 1994.
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As one can see by their tagline, and according to Author’s Publish they have a very clear sense of what they like and what they are interested in publishing. They publish fiction, nonfiction (including memoirs), and YA.
The fiction they are most interested in features diverse characters, settings, and writers across all genres. They also particularly want mystery novels with a strong female protagonist. They also like cyberpunk themed novels.
The nonfiction they are interested in includes memoirs of unusual lives, particularly LGBTQ+ memoirs. They also want biographies of spectacular women and recordings of oral history and memoirs of music scenes.
The books they are interested in publishing are over 65,000 words in length. I recommend reviewing their catalog before querying. They ask that all potential submitters query first.
If you have not heard from them in eight weeks assume rejection. They do not respond to submissions they are not interested in.
To learn more about their submission guidelines see here.